WEBVTT 1 00:00:13.320 --> 00:00:19.080 Kristin Haukom: Welcome everybody we'll get started in just a moment, as we let people enter into our virtual workshop. 2 00:00:37.980 --> 00:00:46.290 Kristin Haukom: Everybody Thank you so much for joining we're going to go ahead and get started, thank you for joining the riverside gateway parks virtual Community workshop number three. 3 00:00:46.620 --> 00:01:04.650 Kristin Haukom: We are so grateful that you're here tonight to learn about all the great work our team has been doing and to share your vision for great parks and riverside, it is my pleasure to introduce the director of parks, recreation and can use services for the safer side, Mrs pamela galera pamela. 4 00:01:05.250 --> 00:01:11.400 Pamela Galera: hi everyone I can't tell you what a pleasure it is to be here with you today and to welcome you. 5 00:01:11.970 --> 00:01:25.170 Pamela Galera: Welcome to our workshop and we're so excited to share the project updates with you and to listen to your input and to try and share a vision with you about the great spaces, that we can have on the river. 6 00:01:25.650 --> 00:01:31.950 Pamela Galera: I just want to make a little comment that riverside has an incredible opportunity. 7 00:01:32.790 --> 00:01:43.830 Pamela Galera: With so many parts and so many public spaces right against the River i've had the pleasure of working on a river projects for the city of anaheim and for the city of Orange. 8 00:01:44.160 --> 00:01:49.440 Pamela Galera: And i'll tell you that riverside has way more opportunities here. 9 00:01:49.920 --> 00:01:56.880 Pamela Galera: And in fact i've studied other cities and other municipalities with what they have going on in the River friends, and we have. 10 00:01:57.210 --> 00:02:06.330 Pamela Galera: So many opportunities like San Antonio has got nothing on us seriously, I mean if you even look at those famous riverfront. 11 00:02:06.690 --> 00:02:15.660 Pamela Galera: We have so much more opportunity and the other thing that i'm really struck with is that all of these parts are so different. 12 00:02:16.050 --> 00:02:27.000 Pamela Galera: And there's such different opportunities and so we're really excited to get into it today and, and here we have a feeling we're going to hear some pretty creative input from the Community. 13 00:02:28.590 --> 00:02:34.620 Pamela Galera: So this is the agenda for the evening and so i'll talk a little bit about the project background. 14 00:02:35.970 --> 00:02:42.690 Pamela Galera: And so the we do have full funding for this project, if you want to go to the next slide. 15 00:02:43.890 --> 00:02:57.720 Pamela Galera: We have received a grant for this work, and so the good news is that we're not spending any of riverside general fund on this project we've actually received a grant it's. 16 00:02:58.890 --> 00:03:02.970 Pamela Galera: Over like about two and a half million dollars and expanded through the. 17 00:03:03.690 --> 00:03:15.210 Pamela Galera: California coastal conservancy actually it's through the Santa Ana river conservancy which is under the coastal conservancy and again we're so lucky. 18 00:03:15.990 --> 00:03:29.820 Pamela Galera: that many of our leaders have really aligned us with these organizations, especially actually Patricia lock Dawson the Mayor of riverside was very, very instrumental in getting these agencies formed. 19 00:03:30.360 --> 00:03:39.930 Pamela Galera: Now let me tell you a little bit about some of our goals, our goals are to increase recreational opportunities and educational use. 20 00:03:40.560 --> 00:03:57.030 Pamela Galera: Public access water quality protection enhancement of wildlife habitat and then to serve as a gateway to the river, creating a recreational destination and economic opportunity now, you may be thinking like. 21 00:03:57.690 --> 00:04:14.100 Pamela Galera: How can they do all that, but if we have really great designers which we do, we can actually achieve all of that in one project and have a multi faceted project and so um I just also want to state that all of these. 22 00:04:15.450 --> 00:04:26.940 Pamela Galera: goals aligned with the work towards achieving this city strategic priorities, and that is to improve recreation Community well being environmental stewardship. 23 00:04:27.330 --> 00:04:42.990 Pamela Galera: Infrastructure enhancement connectivity and economic opportunity so as you open your mind and share with us your ideas kind of have this backdrop, before you, so we can move forward together. 24 00:04:44.460 --> 00:04:55.380 Pamela Galera: Alright, and so today we're going to look at some great opportunities on the gateway project along the Santa Ana river and i'm going to hand it over to studio MLA. 25 00:04:58.890 --> 00:05:08.580 Matt Romero: hello, good evening, my name is matt Romero i'm a senior associate with studio MLA we're a landscape architecture and urban design firm in. 26 00:05:08.970 --> 00:05:20.760 Matt Romero: The City of Los Angeles, and we are thrilled to be working with pamela and her wonderful team at the city of riverside on what she puts so eloquently that this is a monumental. 27 00:05:21.510 --> 00:05:37.770 Matt Romero: opportunity for the city and the region and the river and we all care deeply about all three of those things so happy to get started this evening we'll move to the next slide and talk about a couple of housekeeping things so we're the primary. 28 00:05:40.050 --> 00:05:49.200 Matt Romero: mode of communication for this meeting will be in the chat So if you have any comments that you really get anything that you have. 29 00:05:50.220 --> 00:05:59.700 Matt Romero: trouble with accessing any of the features that we may mentioned during this presentation, please ask your questions in the chat and we'll have someone respond to you. 30 00:06:00.210 --> 00:06:10.080 Matt Romero: as quickly as possible, so the tool that we are using this evening is a tool called jam board it's a Google application and it's really fun we've used this. 31 00:06:10.800 --> 00:06:20.430 Matt Romero: In the past, on the last workshop, and you know we've left it up for even longer than this presentation, so you know, after this meetings over. 32 00:06:20.970 --> 00:06:30.780 Matt Romero: You will have access to be able to view this jam board and what's really neat about it is that you can leave comments in a variety of ways, you can also leave suggestions. 33 00:06:31.830 --> 00:06:47.640 Matt Romero: insert pictures, a lot of really, really great tool, so the link to that jam board is in the chat now so if you would like to open that up, you can take a look and start to poke around and get yourself familiar with that tool next slide please. 34 00:06:50.580 --> 00:07:01.140 Matt Romero: Okay, so the the last round of sites that we will be that we will be working on, as part of this project are all surrounding surrounding the tech of ski area so. 35 00:07:01.860 --> 00:07:11.430 Matt Romero: Right Jason to Ryan bonded mineo Park, there is a an open space to the north, that we are calling ticket skeet North extension. 36 00:07:12.210 --> 00:07:23.790 Matt Romero: and open space to the West, that we are calling test ticket skeet South extension and then the standing in a river greenway which connects all the way from the West end of the. 37 00:07:24.390 --> 00:07:32.640 Matt Romero: tech escape South extension site, all the way up to all the way up to carlson park and St Francis false next slide please. 38 00:07:34.800 --> 00:07:44.010 Matt Romero: And so you can see these these three sites are these three projects are situated right in the Center part of our of our project and nestled in very closely to. 39 00:07:45.270 --> 00:07:46.770 Matt Romero: To matt rubido. 40 00:07:47.790 --> 00:08:02.250 Matt Romero: A good portion of these projects land is is located adjacent to the Santa Ana river and some really interesting contextual you know Jason scenes that we have to work with here next slide please. 41 00:08:04.440 --> 00:08:11.490 Matt Romero: So the team has been going through and looking at really what's what's what's adjacent to to these parks sites, we have. 42 00:08:11.970 --> 00:08:21.330 Matt Romero: A lot to work with, as in terms of opportunities, but it's really important to look at what we currently have to take an inventory and analysis to really drive. 43 00:08:21.720 --> 00:08:34.680 Matt Romero: What is needed in the city of riverside for the people of riverside and for the communities riverside and what would best serve the environment and the Santa Ana river at large next slide please. 44 00:08:37.950 --> 00:08:45.360 Matt Romero: And so, for the purpose of this phase we have separate out the spatial opportunities into passive and active ideas. 45 00:08:45.630 --> 00:08:58.170 Matt Romero: you'll see the spatial opportunities express in a series of diagrams that we will share in just a bit, but this is just an organizational tool to get an idea of what program the Community would like to see at each site. 46 00:08:58.890 --> 00:09:04.140 Matt Romero: For the draft master plans we will incorporate as many program elements that folks are interested as possible. 47 00:09:05.220 --> 00:09:06.150 Matt Romero: Next slide please. 48 00:09:08.850 --> 00:09:21.240 Matt Romero: And we want to reiterate that these are your parks we're here for idea sharing please share any ideas that you may have is a lot of a lot of land here that we're that we're going to be discussing. 49 00:09:22.110 --> 00:09:28.350 Matt Romero: Any idea is we're open to hearing we will love to hear your idea, so please share your comments. 50 00:09:30.000 --> 00:09:30.900 Matt Romero: Next slide please. 51 00:09:33.600 --> 00:09:42.540 Matt Romero: And with that I will get to the fun part i'll turn it over to eat it very to run through some of our initial thoughts for these sites, thank you. 52 00:09:46.950 --> 00:09:51.510 Eden Ferry | Studio-MLA: hi everyone, good evening, my name is eating fairy analytics perspective city in the life. 53 00:09:53.250 --> 00:09:56.670 Eden Ferry | Studio-MLA: starting out with Tennessee North extension and then the next slide. 54 00:09:59.100 --> 00:10:13.920 Eden Ferry | Studio-MLA: So here are a few site images North we take some the southern portion your Gregory road and take a seat as the site is located at the base of Mount rubido in the Santa Ana river at the confluence of Tedeschi to Royal and just adjacent to Ryan bottom to park. 55 00:10:18.660 --> 00:10:26.280 Eden Ferry | Studio-MLA: User a few opportunities and constraints and site notes from some site visits, it includes access points interesting trails. 56 00:10:27.720 --> 00:10:31.680 Eden Ferry | Studio-MLA: And then things like debris on the trail existing. 57 00:10:32.820 --> 00:10:41.190 Eden Ferry | Studio-MLA: Traffic conflicts and then also proximity to the neighborhood neighborhood existing access to the river and then the existing bike way. 58 00:10:45.870 --> 00:10:59.370 Eden Ferry | Studio-MLA: Just as a reference, we are working with a bunch of different sites eight different sites on this project and each one has a different scale this site is 41 acres and it takes about 10 minutes to walk across about 20 minutes to walk along. 59 00:11:04.110 --> 00:11:19.590 Eden Ferry | Studio-MLA: And a portion of the site is within the critical cell 443 of the western riverside county municipal species habitat conservation plan on the area shown in pink is considered a biological avoidance zone and will not be programmed in any way. 60 00:11:26.220 --> 00:11:31.710 Eden Ferry | Studio-MLA: Currently, the site has the connection and launching point to the fan and river bypass these are some overarching improvements. 61 00:11:32.520 --> 00:11:43.860 Eden Ferry | Studio-MLA: Including trail signage solar lighting folders to limit vehicular access by bike rest stop and repair CAFE habitat restoration and shade trees, as well as educational interpretive features. 62 00:11:44.370 --> 00:11:49.620 Eden Ferry | Studio-MLA: These can be incorporated and all each of the feature or each of the facial opportunities diagrams that we're going to go through. 63 00:11:50.970 --> 00:11:51.600 Eden Ferry | Studio-MLA: Next slide. 64 00:11:53.430 --> 00:12:03.540 Eden Ferry | Studio-MLA: As matt mentioned we've kind of separated out the diagrams into passive and active mean each of these programs can be combined, this is just a kind of organizational tool. 65 00:12:05.310 --> 00:12:12.960 Eden Ferry | Studio-MLA: For the passive we have educational interpretive blocks native planting and adventure play areas and active we have multiple fields plate courts in a roller rink. 66 00:12:15.150 --> 00:12:35.340 Eden Ferry | Studio-MLA: So for the passive program opportunities, as I mentioned, we have a nature pavilion a multimodal trail adventure play areas nature walk overlook overlooks and bike Plaza this diagram really focuses on the nature component of the site, instead of really unique space so close to the river. 67 00:12:36.900 --> 00:12:42.720 Eden Ferry | Studio-MLA: So laying out some of these program elements on the site going to the nexus of the spatial opportunities diagram. 68 00:12:43.980 --> 00:12:50.340 Eden Ferry | Studio-MLA: kind of a bubble more bubble diagrams not necessarily a plan, but starting to think about those programs and how they would manifest on the site. 69 00:12:53.520 --> 00:13:01.650 Eden Ferry | Studio-MLA: And, most of the features are very immersive elements of nature features of restoration ideas at the focus and includes a multimodal path. 70 00:13:02.430 --> 00:13:16.860 Eden Ferry | Studio-MLA: Along the existing bike way that would then loop around to create a half mile exercise loop with exercise nodes along it kind of nestled within a cotton re vegetation cottonwood rehabilitation area, as well as native meadow. 71 00:13:18.270 --> 00:13:31.500 Eden Ferry | Studio-MLA: At the base of Gregory and take a seat, as there is a bike hub, which would include a repair shop potential for a third party concession that could be open on the weekends, I told her bike share stations. 72 00:13:32.550 --> 00:13:45.840 Eden Ferry | Studio-MLA: adjacent to that would be a nature pavilion that could have educational exhibits trails and outdoor classroom features, is also a nature play area which would allow kind of independent in nature, experience she'll play. 73 00:13:47.400 --> 00:13:57.390 Eden Ferry | Studio-MLA: Throughout any of the reed vegetation and habitat areas there are kind of nature trails which would have interpreted signage along them and educational features. 74 00:14:01.170 --> 00:14:01.470 Eden Ferry | Studio-MLA: But. 75 00:14:02.700 --> 00:14:14.460 Eden Ferry | Studio-MLA: So, in contrast, we have the program opportunities for the active, this would include a bike rest stop flexible meadow space solar bike share stations roller rink play courts and they'll tell you feel. 76 00:14:19.260 --> 00:14:21.420 Eden Ferry | Studio-MLA: And so what that could look like on the site. 77 00:14:22.860 --> 00:14:26.400 Eden Ferry | Studio-MLA: kind of having a gradient of activity coming off take a seat and Gregory. 78 00:14:28.140 --> 00:14:38.820 Eden Ferry | Studio-MLA: there's proposed parking along tech escape as with additional parking within the site just on the South area, we have a roller rink and play course multiple use field. 79 00:14:40.200 --> 00:14:46.650 Eden Ferry | Studio-MLA: And then just north of that there would be kind of a flexible meadows basic needs for more informal field play. 80 00:14:47.820 --> 00:14:57.600 Eden Ferry | Studio-MLA: This idea also brings the bike path closer to the river itself and reroutes it slightly around those to make room for some of those features, as well as the parking. 81 00:14:59.430 --> 00:15:07.710 Eden Ferry | Studio-MLA: With that active program proposed, we still do have some of the habitat, including the cottonwood the vegetation area, as well as some of the. 82 00:15:11.460 --> 00:15:13.650 Eden Ferry | Studio-MLA: meadow rehabilitation and. 83 00:15:14.730 --> 00:15:15.540 Eden Ferry | Studio-MLA: Right period. 84 00:15:16.620 --> 00:15:17.100 At the top. 85 00:15:20.970 --> 00:15:21.510 Eden Ferry | Studio-MLA: Excellent. 86 00:15:23.280 --> 00:15:27.270 Eden Ferry | Studio-MLA: And now we're going to go quickly just through the jam board just to show. 87 00:15:29.460 --> 00:15:32.820 Eden Ferry | Studio-MLA: How that work can we pull up the jam board. 88 00:15:35.760 --> 00:15:41.280 Kristin Haukom: Thanks Eden, so now is your opportunity to give us some of your comments and feedback. 89 00:15:42.060 --> 00:15:51.090 Kristin Haukom: we've got the jam for coming up for you right now the link has been shared in the comments so go ahead and click on that link in the comments. 90 00:15:51.660 --> 00:15:59.040 Kristin Haukom: If you're on your phone you might need to download the jam board APP but if you're in a desktop computer, you should have easy access. 91 00:15:59.550 --> 00:16:09.300 Kristin Haukom: On the left hand side of your screen you'll see that there's a little sticky note it's a square with lines through it and you can use it to click on it and write comments. 92 00:16:09.900 --> 00:16:23.520 Kristin Haukom: Share feedback vote for your favorites have the option selected by no means is this an exhaustive list, these are just some opportunities, as you just described and we just want to get your feedback and what you think looks good. 93 00:16:25.500 --> 00:16:41.040 Kristin Haukom: So there's a number of opportunities here to vote and you're welcome to look at this throughout the entire presentation will leave it open and you'll have time after today's meeting to vote as well, but this is related to the north extension part of that, and you know just presented. 94 00:16:42.690 --> 00:16:57.690 Kristin Haukom: And I wanted to address comments and questions in the chat Thank you so much for sharing your comments and questions we'll have an opportunity to ask those answer those address them a little bit later in our presentation this evening he does is now the time to launch the poll. 95 00:17:00.240 --> 00:17:08.670 Eden Ferry | Studio-MLA: yeah I think actually now, I wonder if we should do it at the end now that we've gone through both of them so everyone can see the program that's proposed for the House as well. 96 00:17:08.910 --> 00:17:14.490 Kristin Haukom: Sure sure sure no problem at all so i'm just as a reminder, the link to the jam board is in the chat. 97 00:17:14.850 --> 00:17:21.300 Kristin Haukom: please feel free to open it up you'll see a slide that looks very much like the slide you're seeing in front of you. 98 00:17:21.660 --> 00:17:33.720 Kristin Haukom: where you can grab a sticky note write a comment, something you love, something you don't love if he's missed something go ahead and add that and post it to the jam board slide and with that i'll turn it back over to you. 99 00:17:35.580 --> 00:17:35.760 Kristin Haukom: Great. 100 00:17:35.910 --> 00:17:48.420 Eden Ferry | Studio-MLA: Thank you, and so we're going to kind of go back at the end of the presentation and we'll review all the gambler comments we just wanted to get that in so folks know that it's there and available, and if you have any quick comments, right after the presentation, you can add those in. 101 00:17:52.110 --> 00:18:06.120 Eden Ferry | Studio-MLA: So we're going to keep going on the next site that we are going to be looking at is the tech escapes South extension, you can go to the next slide it's i'm just south of Tennessee North kind of at the base of tech husky as. 102 00:18:08.250 --> 00:18:08.640 It. 103 00:18:10.590 --> 00:18:22.500 Eden Ferry | Studio-MLA: is just East of the old landfill and solar array and just below the range of the grand grand neighborhood, and these are some ciphers and existing bike rest stop it's relatively flat. 104 00:18:23.640 --> 00:18:32.160 Eden Ferry | Studio-MLA: There is kind of being missing bypass that runs along the Western portion of it in between the old man phil and then continues down to work and. 105 00:18:36.450 --> 00:18:53.070 Eden Ferry | Studio-MLA: here's some of the opportunities and constraints insight notes some constraints include informal access points that create issues with unauthorized vehicles and come opportunities include the DIY skatepark some wetland area along the base of the Ridge for habitat value. 106 00:18:54.270 --> 00:18:54.990 Eden Ferry | Studio-MLA: and 107 00:18:56.130 --> 00:18:57.390 Eden Ferry | Studio-MLA: On the existing bypass. 108 00:19:01.950 --> 00:19:12.360 Eden Ferry | Studio-MLA: This site itself is 59 acres it is relatively flat takes about 20 minutes to rock across five minutes to walk along and five minutes walk across. 109 00:19:17.130 --> 00:19:26.370 Eden Ferry | Studio-MLA: There is also a portion of the of the site that is within the biological avoidance zone is in the critical sell area areas showed and pink will not be programmed. 110 00:19:31.170 --> 00:19:41.610 Eden Ferry | Studio-MLA: And some of the park improvement overarching park improvement ideas include signage and we're finding traffic control and vehicular barriers habitat restoration shade trees and educational interpretive trails. 111 00:19:46.590 --> 00:19:58.470 Eden Ferry | Studio-MLA: And then splitting up the program similar to the previous we have passive arm incubator blocks and equestrian rest stop an active a skate park and bike park and trails. 112 00:20:15.150 --> 00:20:15.540 Eden Ferry | Studio-MLA: Excellent. 113 00:20:24.720 --> 00:20:32.100 Eden Ferry | Studio-MLA: And so what the path and spatial opportunities diagram kind of looks like some of those program elements on the site. 114 00:20:34.440 --> 00:20:47.790 Eden Ferry | Studio-MLA: It formalizes the DIY skatepark within the East side of the area and creates a connection to Ryan bottom and you'll park there to the riverside historical on ecology discovery walk a multimodal path. 115 00:20:50.640 --> 00:21:03.720 Eden Ferry | Studio-MLA: A multimodal paths can run through the site just below the ridgeline and around the firm incubator plots that would have vehicular access from the south. 116 00:21:04.620 --> 00:21:17.190 Eden Ferry | Studio-MLA: Around the biological avoidance zone, it would be the potential for a sculpture garden, in partnership with uc riverside riverside art museum would have informal walking trails. 117 00:21:18.450 --> 00:21:22.380 Eden Ferry | Studio-MLA: That can be utilized by both equestrian and pedestrians. 118 00:21:23.820 --> 00:21:27.990 Eden Ferry | Studio-MLA: there's also a grassland for picnics just along the base of the rich. 119 00:21:32.580 --> 00:21:35.190 Eden Ferry | Studio-MLA: Or the primary opportunities for the active. 120 00:21:36.390 --> 00:21:45.150 Eden Ferry | Studio-MLA: facial opportunities diagram we have a bike rest stop skateboard park mountain bike trails as well as a pump track and then upland restoration. 121 00:21:51.270 --> 00:21:53.910 Eden Ferry | Studio-MLA: This is what that could look like on the site. 122 00:21:55.740 --> 00:22:01.950 Eden Ferry | Studio-MLA: Just on the side, we have the existing do escape art thing formalized as well as an additional site, creating. 123 00:22:03.600 --> 00:22:11.460 Eden Ferry | Studio-MLA: about an acre of skate Park, which could be kind of a regional destination and there's an additional parking area included. 124 00:22:12.930 --> 00:22:18.120 Eden Ferry | Studio-MLA: And then the bike path itself is actually rerouted slightly to deal with some of the day killer congestion. 125 00:22:19.770 --> 00:22:31.260 Eden Ferry | Studio-MLA: From there there's a junior pump track and talk track for bike as well as kind of learning how to ride a bike and then some of the features that would be in some of the other bike park elements. 126 00:22:32.400 --> 00:22:33.360 Eden Ferry | Studio-MLA: There is a. 127 00:22:34.890 --> 00:22:38.760 Eden Ferry | Studio-MLA: True bike pump track that could have events, as well as. 128 00:22:39.990 --> 00:22:49.740 Eden Ferry | Studio-MLA: kind of training sessions and then from there, there are three mountain bike trails that can be used as a loop or connected into one loop. 129 00:22:51.360 --> 00:22:58.980 Eden Ferry | Studio-MLA: That would kind of weed through around some of the biological avoidance zone that would include some signage and a few rest stop. 130 00:23:01.230 --> 00:23:08.400 Eden Ferry | Studio-MLA: And then kind of a informal walking path DG walking path along the base of the rich trail with some educational elements. 131 00:23:11.430 --> 00:23:25.080 Eden Ferry | Studio-MLA: And then the I don't think you have to go back to it, but the dashboard, for this is also on there on the top of the jam board there's kind of a little slide icon if you continue to press that you'll see the slides that have the program opportunities comparison. 132 00:23:26.370 --> 00:23:35.220 Eden Ferry | Studio-MLA: With numbers on them that you can reference, as well as the plan comparison and a plan to add all of your. 133 00:23:46.290 --> 00:23:49.110 Eden Ferry | Studio-MLA: And then, for the last night, will be discussing today. 134 00:23:51.150 --> 00:24:04.320 Eden Ferry | Studio-MLA: we'll be talking about this and in Aruba greenway and it's a little bit different than some of the other sites, it is a two two mile long multimodal trail adjacent to the existing bike way that runs through. 135 00:24:05.730 --> 00:24:08.010 Eden Ferry | Studio-MLA: riverside so next slide. 136 00:24:10.770 --> 00:24:22.800 Eden Ferry | Studio-MLA: And so, this kind of shows the extent it runs from the base of carlson park just the top of the slide at the base of Mount rubido and then would run all the way to the south of tech escape. 137 00:24:24.210 --> 00:24:41.880 Eden Ferry | Studio-MLA: South extension that we just discussed this would be a multimodal past that would have additional features like shade and signage included in it, these are some of the opportunities and constraints that we had noted in one big one, to include is the. 138 00:24:43.260 --> 00:24:49.980 Eden Ferry | Studio-MLA: connection point between tech escape North and tech escapes out on Tedeschi as we're writing vitamin do is. 139 00:24:51.600 --> 00:24:59.130 Eden Ferry | Studio-MLA: there's vehicular and pedestrian and bike kind of conflict, at the moment, so we have looked at spatial opportunity diagrams to address those. 140 00:25:02.790 --> 00:25:14.790 Eden Ferry | Studio-MLA: side, these are kind of the five dimensions, as I mentioned, it would be a two mile long multi modal path adjacent to the existing path takes about 20 minutes to walk in about 10 minutes to bike. 141 00:25:17.340 --> 00:25:26.040 Eden Ferry | Studio-MLA: About two minute bike ride to several neighborhoods adjacent to the river, as well as the format bike ride to several elementary schools and other Community features. 142 00:25:30.840 --> 00:25:41.670 Eden Ferry | Studio-MLA: And these are a few sites photos taken along that two mile stretch the first The first one is up by carlson Park, you can see matt rubio is just to the left and the fan and rivers, just to the right. 143 00:25:42.450 --> 00:25:55.920 Eden Ferry | Studio-MLA: The second image is the existing kind of connection point at Tennessee as as well as the existing bike bike rest stops and or landfill and solar right. 144 00:26:00.690 --> 00:26:06.060 Eden Ferry | Studio-MLA: I mean neither some greenway improvement ideas so some overarching elements that would have included in that. 145 00:26:07.560 --> 00:26:18.210 Eden Ferry | Studio-MLA: That two mile stretch of of the greenway so amenities looking at adding shapes and trail side rest areas bike repair station and water filling station. 146 00:26:18.690 --> 00:26:33.720 Eden Ferry | Studio-MLA: Maintenance elements so pathway edging with Jason digi path vehicular barrier and traffic control is all striving and mile markers and then safety features like signage solar lighting and clear entrances and connections. 147 00:26:38.970 --> 00:26:41.160 Eden Ferry | Studio-MLA: So, looking at that. 148 00:26:42.210 --> 00:26:51.780 Eden Ferry | Studio-MLA: connection point between take a seat North and take a seat South that I had mentioned, this is a the existing vehicular and pedestrian circulation, right now, like past comes. 149 00:26:52.920 --> 00:27:08.880 Eden Ferry | Studio-MLA: Through technically as Gregory and it's kind of right on the top right of this image there's a clock to bike lane on tech speed as and then as a peculiar gate that often is left open allowing vehicles to come to the area. 150 00:27:10.110 --> 00:27:11.280 Eden Ferry | Studio-MLA: The bike path, then. 151 00:27:12.300 --> 00:27:17.910 Eden Ferry | Studio-MLA: move South along the road there is kind of striping barrier, but there are often complex. 152 00:27:19.530 --> 00:27:33.120 Eden Ferry | Studio-MLA: between vehicles and bike path users there's also some unauthorized vehicular circulation use, you can see just in the dashed line allowing vehicles to get on the bike path which becomes. 153 00:27:34.140 --> 00:27:34.710 Eden Ferry | Studio-MLA: A hazard. 154 00:27:39.060 --> 00:27:48.840 Eden Ferry | Studio-MLA: Next slide, so this is kind of option one not really passive or active but option one kind of the idea of a protected bike lane. 155 00:27:50.640 --> 00:27:57.660 Eden Ferry | Studio-MLA: To reduce conflict so this actually pulls the bike path just north into tech speed up just slightly, you can see the. 156 00:27:58.770 --> 00:28:04.140 Eden Ferry | Studio-MLA: Slightly dashed green line, and then the the small dash green line would be the adjacent multimodal digi path. 157 00:28:05.400 --> 00:28:12.240 Eden Ferry | Studio-MLA: And then, a large planting buffer between that and what would be a formalized parking area that would provide about 40 parking spots. 158 00:28:13.680 --> 00:28:21.330 Eden Ferry | Studio-MLA: could actually pedestrian circulation would be adjacent to the existing drainage ditch which would be formalized into kind of rain garden. 159 00:28:22.890 --> 00:28:31.650 Eden Ferry | Studio-MLA: That would still allow kind of the drainage to function but also kind of beautify it and clean the water before it goes into the river itself. 160 00:28:32.880 --> 00:28:34.710 Eden Ferry | Studio-MLA: The vehicular date is actually moved. 161 00:28:36.780 --> 00:28:47.940 Eden Ferry | Studio-MLA: Just south to the end of the parking lot and that will have limited vehicular access for folks to the Community garden, as well as to the landfill and solar array for maintenance. 162 00:28:48.990 --> 00:28:54.360 Eden Ferry | Studio-MLA: And then the dd bike path, as I mentioned, from there we'll actually split and go into the site. 163 00:28:55.380 --> 00:28:59.550 Eden Ferry | Studio-MLA: To kind of utilize some of those features, where the bypass will continue its current. 164 00:29:01.050 --> 00:29:01.980 Eden Ferry | Studio-MLA: Current route. 165 00:29:03.750 --> 00:29:06.150 Eden Ferry | Studio-MLA: And utilizing the existing bike rest up. 166 00:29:10.200 --> 00:29:15.510 Eden Ferry | Studio-MLA: The next slide and then the second option is is the idea of realigning that bike path. 167 00:29:16.560 --> 00:29:29.460 Eden Ferry | Studio-MLA: So actually pulling the bypass the existing bike path into Texas keep North closer to the River having that Jason digi path with it and then pulling it down into the site slightly tech skeet North before it reconnects. 168 00:29:30.780 --> 00:29:31.860 Eden Ferry | Studio-MLA: Along the fence line. 169 00:29:33.210 --> 00:29:36.600 Eden Ferry | Studio-MLA: Doing this pulling pulling the bypass in actually. 170 00:29:38.460 --> 00:29:46.170 Eden Ferry | Studio-MLA: allows for additional parking within tech mesquite North there's about kind of 100 parking spaces that can be added to that area. 171 00:29:47.430 --> 00:30:01.470 Eden Ferry | Studio-MLA: Like the previous slide we have moved the vehicular gate to the Southwestern portion of the proposed parking that would have kind of the limited vehicular access to it close to the Community garden, and to the solar array. 172 00:30:05.310 --> 00:30:11.730 Eden Ferry | Studio-MLA: And then kind of landscape buffer and and extended rain gardens around both the parking as well as the existing drainage. 173 00:30:13.200 --> 00:30:21.750 Eden Ferry | Studio-MLA: And now I think we're going to go to the jam boards and i'm going to hand over to Christian we're going to go through any of the corner and. 174 00:30:23.970 --> 00:30:25.440 Eden Ferry | Studio-MLA: and hear from you. 175 00:30:25.860 --> 00:30:38.310 Kristin Haukom: yeah Thank you so much so, as you mentioned, we have three slides one one slide per location, with the opportunities and we love your hair your thoughts about. 176 00:30:39.060 --> 00:30:46.110 Kristin Haukom: Some of the options that we could include at these locations, if you click at the top of your screen, you will see. 177 00:30:47.010 --> 00:31:03.060 Kristin Haukom: there's a box that arrow and numbers and that will help you navigate to each slide so thank you for those who have already started populating the jam boards, with different locations, we see that there's a number of comments for the tech skeet North location. 178 00:31:04.260 --> 00:31:13.110 Kristin Haukom: And we would love to see comments start populating for the other locations seven Would you mind advancing this slide awesome. 179 00:31:14.580 --> 00:31:24.450 Kristin Haukom: awesome Thank you Oh, this is fantastic yeah Thank you so much, I also wanted to add that the comments you've left in the chat will be included as a part of. 180 00:31:25.380 --> 00:31:36.030 Kristin Haukom: Then the Minutes for this or the notes for this meeting, and I also wanted to add an invitation to those who are asking questions are discussing. 181 00:31:36.420 --> 00:31:53.850 Kristin Haukom: homelessness in the chat the city of riverside has started this great initiative it's a five year strategic plan to address homelessness the next workshop is tomorrow evening and that last year senior Center where we'll be discussing. 182 00:31:55.590 --> 00:32:05.070 Kristin Haukom: The opportunities to address homelessness and really do want to hear your thoughts concerns and ideas about that, so I just linked up the the link to those meetings in the chat. 183 00:32:05.400 --> 00:32:12.630 Kristin Haukom: it's a hybrid meeting so you can participate online i'm doing a similar kind of interface that we're doing now, or you can show up in person. 184 00:32:13.800 --> 00:32:20.640 Kristin Haukom: So it looks like we've got some great ideas about a roller rinks park EDEN people really liked the. 185 00:32:22.050 --> 00:32:30.330 Kristin Haukom: Excuse me and my chat is blocking the pump track and bunch of comments in the chat talking about. 186 00:32:32.010 --> 00:32:41.880 Kristin Haukom: let's see here, make sure that i'm getting at pump track skate parks more skate parks, making sure that the work that we do is def friendly. 187 00:32:42.540 --> 00:32:52.260 Kristin Haukom: Including that nature trails that should include native American history and for those of you for the person who left that comment, we absolutely welcome. 188 00:32:53.400 --> 00:33:02.760 Kristin Haukom: input from our native American Communities are the trends local tribes the tribal nations and invite more recommendations like that. 189 00:33:05.610 --> 00:33:12.960 Kristin Haukom: I have some questions in the chat should I we take them now, or is there a later part of the agenda where we could address them. 190 00:33:17.460 --> 00:33:18.450 Eden Ferry | Studio-MLA: I didn't take them down. 191 00:33:18.870 --> 00:33:27.270 Kristin Haukom: Okay fantastic so i'm going to just go ahead and get started, and please continue to populate the jam board with your ideas. 192 00:33:28.890 --> 00:33:35.340 Kristin Haukom: And we'll also have a Pole, at the end of the evening to get a little bit more information from all of you. 193 00:33:36.060 --> 00:33:50.970 Kristin Haukom: Okay, so one comment or question is the grant is great, but it will not even come close to covering any of these projects, how much has the city allocated for these projects, other than the grant the Multi terrain skatepark will fit into this plan perfectly. 194 00:33:52.110 --> 00:33:58.020 Kristin Haukom: I don't know who might want to address that talking about next steps, I think that's What this really is addressing. 195 00:33:59.280 --> 00:34:05.520 Alisa Sramala: I can take that this is only so with city of riverside park and recreation in regards to the grant. 196 00:34:06.120 --> 00:34:15.060 Alisa Sramala: So this first phase of the project is focused on master planning on Community outreach and then doing our environmental clearance work. 197 00:34:15.870 --> 00:34:29.640 Alisa Sramala: um so as as pamela galera our director mentioned earlier, we have grant funding for this first portion of the project, so we, we are going to be finished up with our master planning. 198 00:34:30.840 --> 00:34:43.260 Alisa Sramala: and environmental work in 2023 late spring summer and will be going to City Council for approval of these master plans that we're using the community's input to to develop. 199 00:34:43.830 --> 00:34:55.890 Alisa Sramala: And then, after that we'll be ready to apply for construction funding so so at this point, the only funding we have is for this initial master planning and environmental phase of the project development. 200 00:34:56.370 --> 00:35:03.030 Alisa Sramala: Where we're already starting to apply for construction grants and will be facing the construction over several years. 201 00:35:05.910 --> 00:35:24.450 Alisa Sramala: it'll be a long term planning, certainly for sure so so we're going to try to make sure we build and are able to maintain these these parts as we build them so it'll be paste to fit a funding that were able to to attain. 202 00:35:27.000 --> 00:35:37.830 Kristin Haukom: Thank you so much alisa super helpful yeah it's a it's a long term vision, I like to think of it as a Lego set we're figuring out what pieces fits. 203 00:35:38.940 --> 00:35:45.120 Kristin Haukom: And and making sure we're, including the right colors, if you will, of what the Community wants. 204 00:35:46.290 --> 00:35:56.220 Kristin Haukom: And let's see, I am looking through the comments and i'm just trying to go through the ones that have questions and if I miss, something I apologize, please. 205 00:35:58.230 --> 00:36:11.340 Kristin Haukom: repost it if I if I don't get to it and there's a question mark for get rid of power line and i'm not exactly sure what that's addressing but it's there if there's power lines in the area would there be opportunities to move them. 206 00:36:18.480 --> 00:36:20.490 Kristin Haukom: And maybe that's a comment, we can address right now. 207 00:36:21.390 --> 00:36:31.680 Alisa Sramala: I think we'll have to check and see where those power lines are are located i'm trying to remember if i've seen parents, but so we'll check into that and. 208 00:36:32.910 --> 00:36:34.830 Alisa Sramala: Look at that potential. 209 00:36:37.980 --> 00:36:46.680 Kristin Haukom: A question about certain trees that are growing in the area, there are large eucalyptus trees and a native California growing will those be removed or can they stay. 210 00:36:49.470 --> 00:37:02.250 Alisa Sramala: I think it depends on where they're located if that person that put a comment in if you could maybe be a little more specific about which trees you're referring to generally, we like to protect trees mature trees are in place. 211 00:37:03.600 --> 00:37:06.720 Alisa Sramala: Within habitat conservation areas, though. 212 00:37:08.220 --> 00:37:15.780 Alisa Sramala: eucalyptus are not always considered an ideal tree for those areas so it'd be possible that some are being removed also. 213 00:37:16.770 --> 00:37:34.260 Alisa Sramala: In some areas of our overall projects, I, there are some damaged eucalyptus trees from fire and other events that will probably be removed, but but, in general, we like to keep as many Jesus, we can mature trees, but again, the reason for that comment, if you can. 214 00:37:35.370 --> 00:37:39.420 Alisa Sramala: provide a more specific area, we might be able to provide a better. 215 00:37:39.720 --> 00:37:49.560 Kristin Haukom: yeah that's a great point and there's also a link to a map on our website where if they could even pinpoint that location of those. 216 00:37:50.940 --> 00:37:58.080 Kristin Haukom: Of those trees, so we can make sure that that's included or like you just said, at least if they put it at the location in the chat that'd be super helpful. 217 00:37:59.310 --> 00:38:17.820 Kristin Haukom: And I don't know if anybody from the team wants to discuss the great care that we've considered for native habitats and the native trees, but that's certainly within the purview of the project to make sure that we're being respectful of the existing habitats and existing foliage. 218 00:38:24.450 --> 00:38:33.090 Eden Ferry | Studio-MLA: um yeah I can just add to that that IPF one of the consultants on my project is doing ecological analysis, including tree service. 219 00:38:34.140 --> 00:38:38.790 Eden Ferry | Studio-MLA: So we will kind of keep as many of the trees, as you can that will be incorporated into the master plan. 220 00:38:40.260 --> 00:38:50.370 Eden Ferry | Studio-MLA: I did see a comment that no trees are habitat habitat and that is very true, we also want to keep as many as many as we can appreciate purposes, as well as habitat value. 221 00:38:51.900 --> 00:39:01.230 Kristin Haukom: and plastic and the jam Board will be accessible later we'll Keep it up, I apologize, it is hard to read on your phone, so it will be active. 222 00:39:02.070 --> 00:39:16.110 Kristin Haukom: For at least for the end of the week likely longer and can certainly use that link to access it in a in a better setting, there is a question about safety, safety for women and children's a major concern. 223 00:39:18.270 --> 00:39:22.830 Kristin Haukom: The question is what will be done about safety and I don't know that we have a. 224 00:39:24.810 --> 00:39:39.810 Kristin Haukom: comprehensive answer for that, right now, other than other than to say that safety is absolutely part of the design process, but I will open it up to the project team to answer address that question if you'd like to. 225 00:39:47.640 --> 00:39:57.750 Alisa Sramala: And we're looking at safety from multiple friends, I think EDEN was just about to speak when I popped in so i'll let her go ahead and provide some comments. 226 00:39:59.160 --> 00:40:10.950 Eden Ferry | Studio-MLA: I was just going to mention that, within the master plans will incorporate kind of safety based design, which includes you know not planting shrubs that are too tall to provide visibility. 227 00:40:12.630 --> 00:40:22.590 Eden Ferry | Studio-MLA: And then we have incorporated, you know signage as well as in the mastermind itself, we will have kind of some recommendations for the city in terms of safety. 228 00:40:23.820 --> 00:40:40.290 Eden Ferry | Studio-MLA: But that is definitely in our in our mind when we are designing these faces kind of eyes on the on the park is also a wonderful man and making people feel safe so kind of activating different areas and kind of bringing everybody down to the river, so they can enjoy it together. 229 00:40:44.490 --> 00:40:52.440 Alisa Sramala: Thank you yeah mining as well, and then, and the other the other reason we're here tonight is also to hear ideas from the Community. 230 00:40:53.070 --> 00:41:02.850 Alisa Sramala: You people who are out there already using the spaces, have a good idea what kinds of elements could be incorporated or changed so any feedback, you have about that. 231 00:41:03.930 --> 00:41:06.240 Alisa Sramala: Please write it in the chat or put it on the jam board. 232 00:41:07.980 --> 00:41:12.390 Eden Ferry | Studio-MLA: Absolutely yeah and with that yeah sorry I didn't have. 233 00:41:13.560 --> 00:41:14.580 Eden Ferry | Studio-MLA: The project website. 234 00:41:15.810 --> 00:41:22.230 Eden Ferry | Studio-MLA: You can add additional notes there or send us an email, so if there are specific areas that you have an ideas about. 235 00:41:22.620 --> 00:41:33.120 Eden Ferry | Studio-MLA: Please do let us know, because we can incorporate those into the master plan as we mentioned before you know these you know these parks and these sites, better than anyone, so we definitely want to hear from you. 236 00:41:35.880 --> 00:41:37.230 Kristin Haukom: Well, said, thank you eaten. 237 00:41:41.430 --> 00:41:46.770 Kristin Haukom: So we've addressed with the comments about safety, again I want to encourage folks to participate in the. 238 00:41:48.000 --> 00:41:56.550 Kristin Haukom: five year plan to reduce homelessness and riverside the meeting happening tomorrow night um there is a question about the wild pigs and retail Can someone. 239 00:41:57.510 --> 00:42:08.100 Kristin Haukom: From the team ask if there will be any opportunities to protect the well PICs and we'll do we opportunities for retail in these park areas. 240 00:42:13.050 --> 00:42:21.150 Alisa Sramala: We, we have not, we have discussed the wild pigs at a previous meeting, but in regards to. 241 00:42:22.530 --> 00:42:32.220 Alisa Sramala: Some they're stirring up some of our park areas turning turning up certain areas we are project is not necessarily addressing. 242 00:42:33.480 --> 00:42:43.140 Alisa Sramala: While while pings per se, but on your comments are welcome and we'll definitely look at that, from the larger perspective, with just park park management and maintenance. 243 00:42:44.460 --> 00:42:51.480 Alisa Sramala: And then for retail we we have been considering some some ideas for partnerships and. 244 00:42:52.560 --> 00:42:55.140 Alisa Sramala: Retail maybe i'm. 245 00:42:56.790 --> 00:42:59.430 Alisa Sramala: Missing I don't know if that's the right word. 246 00:43:00.900 --> 00:43:07.320 Alisa Sramala: Randy or pamela if you or anybody else if you have the right word a concession concessionaires to come in. 247 00:43:08.400 --> 00:43:16.320 Alisa Sramala: occupy a space, like a CAFE I think we have two potential locations for cafes when it tonight's winner tonight sites. 248 00:43:16.950 --> 00:43:28.740 Alisa Sramala: The bike CAFE a bike repair CAFE and then another one that can devon's whenever other sites so, but we are open to ideas for other retail opportunities that could integrate into our park plans. 249 00:43:32.340 --> 00:43:33.450 Kristin Haukom: Something Q. 250 00:43:34.830 --> 00:43:52.050 Kristin Haukom: And let's see there's a question specific to the residents surrounding the communities that many of these parks touch and if there has been a committee made up of residents has been established so that they can voice, the voice of these discussions and. 251 00:43:53.220 --> 00:44:05.400 Kristin Haukom: And I will answer that question there hasn't been a committee specifically of residents surrounding the areas, but we encourage those residents local residents to. 252 00:44:05.910 --> 00:44:11.820 Kristin Haukom: participate in tonight's meeting, thank you for being here and to continue to provide feedback via the different platforms, we provided. 253 00:44:12.210 --> 00:44:24.960 Kristin Haukom: The survey than that and also, please do invite your neighbors and friends to share your concerns and voice your opinions about these parks as they're near to you. 254 00:44:26.010 --> 00:44:35.520 Kristin Haukom: And then yeah to mark up our jam board and make sure that we have your contact information if you'd like to have a conversation with anybody from our project team. 255 00:44:37.440 --> 00:44:53.790 Kristin Haukom: And we will share those those that we have a project email and a project phone number and we'll share those at the end of the presentation, you can leave a message on the voicemail or you can send an email, we will respond if you would like us to or we'll just document the comment. 256 00:44:58.290 --> 00:45:17.070 Alisa Sramala: Man and we have been sending mailers out as well we're using social media several different avenues social media and newspaper ads direct emails as well as direct mailers to adjacent Homeowners and will continue to do the outreach as we progress through our. 257 00:45:18.990 --> 00:45:35.010 Alisa Sramala: Our approval masterplan approval processing, which includes planning Commission and city council committee and city council meeting so for sure we want to know what interested me verse concerns are or ideas are so but. 258 00:45:36.090 --> 00:45:43.890 Alisa Sramala: As Kristen mentioned any help any help that we can get from our neighbors who are here with us tonight to spread the word is super helpful. 259 00:45:45.960 --> 00:45:55.230 Kristin Haukom: Thank you Lisa yeah and Devon Thank you devin put in the chat the phone number, so you can leave us a message again if you want to return call just let us know. 260 00:45:55.770 --> 00:46:05.250 Kristin Haukom: And we'll just talk to meet your comment or you can email us at info at HP COM again if you want to sponsor, let us know if not we'll just take the comment. 261 00:46:06.660 --> 00:46:12.270 Kristin Haukom: Leave i've addressed all the questions in the in the chat or comments will be documented as a part of this meeting. 262 00:46:13.650 --> 00:46:22.470 Kristin Haukom: And it looks like we have some great ideas already in the jam Board of what are your design ideas for improving safe public use of the parks. 263 00:46:23.250 --> 00:46:34.290 Kristin Haukom: So thank you for those who are have shared i'm having trouble reading some of these go there, we go mixtures accessible for those who are disabled and non disabled, thank you for that comment. 264 00:46:35.880 --> 00:46:47.370 Kristin Haukom: Like the idea of bike trails yeah we definitely are looking forward to activating some of these spaces, which should help address some of the public safety concerns it looks like there's a comment about the actual. 265 00:46:50.790 --> 00:46:52.650 Kristin Haukom: ground water safety and and. 266 00:46:54.270 --> 00:46:55.200 Kristin Haukom: potential. 267 00:46:56.820 --> 00:46:59.580 Kristin Haukom: solution, so thank you for that. 268 00:47:02.640 --> 00:47:10.590 Kristin Haukom: And i'm going to go ahead and the project team to wrap us up tonight and address next steps. 269 00:47:13.800 --> 00:47:16.380 Matt Romero: Okay Thank you everyone for attending. 270 00:47:17.940 --> 00:47:34.050 Matt Romero: This is the third workshop that we have held today and we're always very excited to share our initial thoughts and ideas with the group and have you know hosts these workshops to really hear your input and your ideas. 271 00:47:35.070 --> 00:47:49.950 Matt Romero: Like like it's been mentioned the best place to review everything that's been presented is riverside gateway parts.com so if go to that website there's a multitude of of resources on their draft. 272 00:47:51.450 --> 00:48:03.180 Matt Romero: Draft plans and we can see those there and provide comments, so thank you to everyone that joined i'll pass it over to the city if they have any last comments. 273 00:48:10.500 --> 00:48:15.030 Alisa Sramala: Well, it looks like we have about 10 more minutes before the meeting is. 274 00:48:17.490 --> 00:48:28.350 Alisa Sramala: Over you definitely want to Thank you everyone for for being here and things are designed to you, but before we do that, should we open up for any questions or comments. 275 00:48:29.970 --> 00:48:33.210 Alisa Sramala: verbally or do you think we covered everything do check. 276 00:48:36.870 --> 00:48:46.830 Kristin Haukom: That thanks Lisa we We definitely want to provide additional opportunities for people ask questions so if you're able to please put that question in the chat. 277 00:48:47.370 --> 00:48:51.930 Kristin Haukom: If you don't feel comfortable putting it in the chat go ahead and send us an email, but we will not take. 278 00:48:52.650 --> 00:49:09.240 Kristin Haukom: verbal comments at this time, but definitely want to if you're able to write out a comment or question we'll take that and maybe with this is a good time to segue we haven't done the poll yet so you didn't you want, and once we launch the poll to get some information okay great so. 279 00:49:09.660 --> 00:49:19.230 Kristin Haukom: Good yeah so we'll pull that up it's just another opportunity for you to provide input on these sites. 280 00:49:22.260 --> 00:49:25.380 Kristin Haukom: And the question is, what are your top three. 281 00:49:27.150 --> 00:49:36.210 Kristin Haukom: favorite program options for North tech escape, and so this is a reminder, the programs are the opportunities that we've outlined here. 282 00:49:37.020 --> 00:49:53.760 Kristin Haukom: Fully acknowledging that we may not have gotten it all, but this is our way of getting a snapshot of what's trending what what's trending in terms of what you want to see at these locations, and this will all be used to inform. 283 00:49:54.780 --> 00:49:57.030 Kristin Haukom: The design recommendations from the team. 284 00:49:59.430 --> 00:50:06.420 Kristin Haukom: And I appreciate that at least a you reminded us that there will be continued opportunities provide input. 285 00:50:06.900 --> 00:50:18.750 Kristin Haukom: These by no means are the final designs or will become the final designs, this is the plan and the vision will be realized, and hopefully sooner than later, but definitely over the next several years. 286 00:50:19.290 --> 00:50:34.140 Kristin Haukom: And someone made a comment there, yes skate park is missing apologies for missing missing that in our list of options, but please do thank you for commenting on that will make sure to document that that's missing and include that in our report. 287 00:50:36.180 --> 00:50:43.710 Eden Ferry | Studio-MLA: that's actually in the next a protective keep south, but if there is interest in having a ticket skeet North that is good information to have. 288 00:50:44.820 --> 00:50:52.770 Eden Ferry | Studio-MLA: So if there's a preference about having a skatepark on tech up north, please do add that into the comment. 289 00:50:54.150 --> 00:50:55.020 Kristin Haukom: yeah Thank you. 290 00:50:58.050 --> 00:51:06.090 Kristin Haukom: Am I sharing my screen, can you see the results okay awesome so it looks like the winner is nature walk with a close. 291 00:51:07.500 --> 00:51:15.120 Kristin Haukom: Second, not a close second by Plaza like rest stop and oh flexible meadow so thank you for that. 292 00:51:16.500 --> 00:51:21.000 Kristin Haukom: And we'll go on to the next poll question. 293 00:51:26.250 --> 00:51:39.120 Eden Ferry | Studio-MLA: And I just want to add as well you know these two guys are very close together, so if there are program elements that were presented for tech asleep norris that you think would be better on take us out, please do let us know, and vice versa. 294 00:51:41.250 --> 00:51:42.150 Kristin Haukom: Thank you for that. 295 00:51:45.060 --> 00:51:47.190 Kristin Haukom: question what is a farm incubator. 296 00:51:50.550 --> 00:51:56.010 Eden Ferry | Studio-MLA: And yeah so farm incubator would be kind of plot it's a version of a Community garden. 297 00:51:56.610 --> 00:51:58.860 Eden Ferry | Studio-MLA: But it would be kind of plots that would be. 298 00:52:00.210 --> 00:52:05.310 Eden Ferry | Studio-MLA: offered to different folks that we are interested in starting kind of urban farming, so there will be lots of different scale. 299 00:52:06.270 --> 00:52:13.440 Eden Ferry | Studio-MLA: That folks could either could farm or kindness do an agriculture based practice there. 300 00:52:17.970 --> 00:52:23.220 Eden Ferry | Studio-MLA: There were already kind of training associated with it, and things like that I don't know Lisa if you have any additional. 301 00:52:29.040 --> 00:52:32.100 Alisa Sramala: i'm sorry, can you repeat the question I was trying to direct. 302 00:52:34.290 --> 00:52:34.650 Alisa Sramala: Somebody. 303 00:52:35.100 --> 00:52:36.510 Eden Ferry | Studio-MLA: For the farm incubator plot. 304 00:52:39.300 --> 00:52:43.320 Alisa Sramala: A description of what the farmington Peter plant with me. 305 00:52:45.600 --> 00:52:54.270 Eden Ferry | Studio-MLA: And yeah so I had just kind of under the question of the farm incubator POPs and I just kind of described them as kind of a little bit larger than Community garden boss. 306 00:52:54.900 --> 00:53:02.700 Eden Ferry | Studio-MLA: Areas where folks could kind of start some urban farming practice or any sort of agriculture practice, they would just be a little bit of a larger scale. 307 00:53:03.780 --> 00:53:15.060 Eden Ferry | Studio-MLA: I don't know if it would be associated with the Community gardens per se they're kind of would be potential BC riverside agriculture school some sort of training that could be associated as well. 308 00:53:16.170 --> 00:53:25.110 Alisa Sramala: I think what you said, is a good capture of what we're envisioning there's another project nurse heritage and our site heritage meadows. 309 00:53:25.800 --> 00:53:31.860 Alisa Sramala: In another part of the city where they're currently also trying to set up some incubator space for agricultural operations. 310 00:53:32.640 --> 00:53:46.230 Alisa Sramala: So definitely focused on on training and trying to promote and preserve the agricultural heritage in riverside, so I think there's some flexibility and in how the property would be. 311 00:53:47.280 --> 00:53:55.290 Alisa Sramala: used in managed but generally speaking that's the thought is to set aside some space to preserve and. 312 00:53:56.520 --> 00:53:58.590 Alisa Sramala: Encourage agriculture in the city. 313 00:54:01.980 --> 00:54:03.840 Kristin Haukom: Great great great and it looks like. 314 00:54:04.920 --> 00:54:12.450 Kristin Haukom: This location, people like skate parks bump tracks and or a period that missing that right or riparian forest restoration. 315 00:54:14.460 --> 00:54:20.880 Kristin Haukom: And there was a comment about why or question why wasn't escape parking clip skate rink including this option. 316 00:54:21.150 --> 00:54:30.780 Kristin Haukom: So we're just looking at the opportunities for each site what's fit based on what the project team has heard so far and what their opportunities are in the space. 317 00:54:31.200 --> 00:54:44.520 Kristin Haukom: But we certainly will take that idea of having the rink be included in this location, so thank you for that comment them stop sharing and let's go to the final poll for our last location. 318 00:54:51.870 --> 00:55:01.890 Kristin Haukom: As we're pulling that up, I want to answer the final question I see here in the chat and last one listing is where do we find access to all the slides, so we can take our time to review them. 319 00:55:02.250 --> 00:55:19.350 Kristin Haukom: Great question, everything is house on our project website it'll be posted to the project website after tonight's meeting will you'll have an opportunity to review the slides listen to the recording or read the transcript additionally more information about the. 320 00:55:20.400 --> 00:55:29.790 Kristin Haukom: designs the plans that EDEN presented more full documents will be posted there as well, and we have listed that project website. 321 00:55:30.420 --> 00:55:47.520 Kristin Haukom: In the chat again Devon Thank you so much for including that link it's riverside gateway parks calm and you'll find all the information about this project, the plans, the background of the grant opportunities to share a map survey contact information. 322 00:55:49.440 --> 00:55:52.410 Kristin Haukom: And yeah and we look forward to continue to hear from you. 323 00:56:03.810 --> 00:56:10.920 Kristin Haukom: give it a couple more seconds for folks to insert and shall share the results. 324 00:56:13.020 --> 00:56:25.380 Kristin Haukom: And percent and agreed way it looks like of the options, given that folks are liking, the shade and water station of the options that have been presented. 325 00:56:30.360 --> 00:56:30.840 Okay. 326 00:56:40.650 --> 00:56:47.400 Kristin Haukom: And i'm just going to pause for a moment to see if we had any further comments from the city or project team. 327 00:56:55.500 --> 00:57:03.270 Alisa Sramala: Not for me I don't know him our Director and Deputy Director are here as well, even though they want to pop on. 328 00:57:04.380 --> 00:57:11.790 Alisa Sramala: But just thank you everybody for being here, your comments are so appreciated in your time and our design team with your great ideas and wonderful pictures, thank you. 329 00:57:15.660 --> 00:57:21.510 Eden Ferry | Studio-MLA: And we really appreciate everybody joining your feedback is crucial to these master plans and my success so. 330 00:57:22.710 --> 00:57:23.340 Eden Ferry | Studio-MLA: appreciate it. 331 00:57:25.830 --> 00:57:36.630 Randy McD: yeah i'll just say ditto thanks everybody, including the design team, for all your time and especially those of you that are taking time out of your busy lives and your kids and families and dinner and and I know this. 332 00:57:37.290 --> 00:57:43.830 Randy McD: it's not it's a great format to be able to come and give your input like seeing faces too so. 333 00:57:45.120 --> 00:57:51.480 Randy McD: Just Thank you very much and and we look forward to seeing you down the road in our future meetings, thank you very much. 334 00:57:52.200 --> 00:57:54.090 Pamela Galera: Thank you everyone, thank you.